Almost everything requires an approved permit prior to construction these days. This is your protection as a home owner to ensure that construction is within the Manitoba Building Code, your local Municipal Zoning and Building By-laws. Eastern Interlake Planning District provides planning services for the Town of Arborg along with the Municipality of Bifrost-Riverton, Town of Winnipeg Beach and RM of Gimli. EIPD office is located in the RM of Gimli at
Please visit their website or contact them at (204)642-5478 or
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Burn permits in the Town of Arborg are required year-round.
To obtain a burn permit, you must be the owner of the property. If you are a tenant, we require a letter from the Landlord stating that they allow the use of a fir pit on the property.
The Permit Holder will comply with the Town of Arborg outdoor burning By-Law No. 8-2017 and accept any and all responsibility & liability for damages that may occur from the use of the outdoor fire pit.
Permit may be cancelled at any time due to extreme fire hazard.
Burn Permits are available below or at the town office.
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In accordance with The Municipal Act, a municipality may either charge a business tax or license to any business facilities within the Town of Arborg. Business License By-law 2-2023 governs and regulates business activities and it is a requirement to carry an approved license for all business operations.
A business license is an annual fee, the amount of which is depending on the nature of the business and is active for the complete calendar year ending December 31st of each year. If you are an active business with no license, you would be guilty of an offense and are liable for conviction to pay a fine. For complete details, please see Business License By-law 2-2023 found on the Government By-law Listing Page. At the bottom of this page you can find the 4 different type(s) of business license applications.
For more information, please contact the Town of Arborg office at (204)376-2647 or by email at
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The Town of Arborg is authorized to issue raffle license to charitable organizations and religious organizations located within the town to conduct and manage a raffle lottery where the total prize value does not exceed $3,000.00
Raffle Lottery license fee is 1% of the total value of prizes to be awarded, as per By-Law No. 4-2019
Application forms, as well as copies of Financial Report are available below or at the town office.
For more information related to municipal raffle licensing go to
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